Unfortunately, or rather fortunate for him, I will not get to celebrate it with him today as he is sitting on the beach in Hilton Head relaxing with the boys. Lucky him! and what do I get to do today? Go to work and come home to a disaster of an apt. to unpack. I'd appreciate if you brought me back some sand in a bottle so I can feel like I was there. Although thanks to modern technology I will get to see him via video chat. As soon as he get's home I will be right there to shower him with gifts and desserts to celebrate. You only turn 23 once, right?
I usually give 2 gifts, one that he really wants and then one that is something a little more meaningful that I have made. My most recent crafty gift was framing the trail maps for the mountains we skied on in Aspen. It was a big hit but, I think this crafty birthday gift tops them all. I'm so excited that I am forcing my fingers not to type out what it is. Once he gets the gift I will surely share with all of you. Those of you who know...shhhhh.
Happy 23rd birthday to my best friend and boyfriend Nolan. I can't wait until you get home to celebrate it with you. I love you.