Hello readers and welcome to my blog! Here is where you will find what I'm up to over the next 10 months as I complete my dietetic rotations. I will be letting you all know what I am doing on each rotation, as well as addressing any nutrition topics hitting the spot light or interesting topics that come my way. Orientation began today and unfortunately, today's post will not be filled with exciting nutrition knowledge.
Today just consisted of the standard getting to know you, giving us packets of papers, and the question that has been burning on everyone's mind...WHERE WILL WE BE GOING?! As excited as I was to walk in today and find out where I would be going, I'm still stuck in the dark with all of you. We were told by the end of the week we should know and then, I will make the big reveal! The only entertaining thing we did today was an activity involving Gordon Ramsay's show called Kitchen Nightmares. For those of you who don't know, Gordon Ramsay is a chef, restaurant owner, author, and now television personality with a fierce personality and a ferocious temper. If not to watch the show to pick out all the restaurant code violations, I would recommend it for entertainment. A few good laughs, a couple O-M-G, and a happy ending always make for some good TV.
I can't wait to keep up with your journey Grace! I am looking forward to all the great recipes and nutrition tips I am sure you will share!